Take the 4-Hour Rehab Challenge and go from Zero to Paid in 4 Days!

Lee Arnold Presents...

This is your chance to jump on the highly-interactive 4-Hour Rehab Challenge and experience the step-by-step process that allows Lee to get in and out of properties fast for high ROIs and quick profits!

Grab Your Spot Today (Free)!

The 2021 Housing Market is Heating Up...
...and you may be wondering if now is the right time to get involved in real estate...

The Answer is Yes!...

Funding is Readily Available. We'll show you how access the "sweet-spot" deals that attract funding and buckets of rehab cash (if you need it)! 

Good Deals are Still Out There. In today's economy deals may seem harder to find, but we have secret strategies that uncover equity-rich gems hiding in plain sight. We then show you how to fix and flip them for fast profits.

The 4-Hour Rehab is For Inexperienced and Experienced Investors Alike. Did you know you can get in and out of rehab that fast? It's true. We've devised a way to find properties with huge upside that require very little capital, energy, or time.

Which means you need to join us on the week of February 16th to learn how to get in and out of properties fast for high ROIs and quick profits! 

What You'll Learn at the Free 4-Hour Rehab Challenge

You’re reading this because you’re ready to make some serious changes in your life. You're tired of sitting on the sidelines watching a hot market get even hotter. 

Even in this economy, it’s not uncommon to flip a house in a matter of 72 hours. If you’re not experiencing this kind of success, it may be that you don’t have the knowledge or the capital to do so. Lucky for you, the 4-Hour Rehab Challenge can supply both!
During this brand new 4-day challenge, we give you access to our experience, money, ideas, and time! 

You'll discover how to:

  • Retail ugly houses with little or no work and potentially make a quick $10,000 to $30,000 (or more) on EVERY transaction! 
  • How to Cherry-Pick the Lowest Hanging Fruits that No One Else Sees
  • ​Do the bare minimum to a fix and flip while maintaining the maximum profits
  • "​Stack" your inventory to maximize selling cycles and keep your profits coming in at a steady and predictable pace!

Just See the Results Our Clients Have Had With Us...

John Kwiatt's Results

John met the 4-deal challenge and on those 4 homes alone, he earned a profit of $144,000.

Using the Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing,  John increased his real estate investments by 800% in 2018 going from 2 rehabs a year in 2017 to 18 in 2018. 

Sheila Wakeman's Results

Sheila met the 4-deal challenge!

Through the knowledge she received at the Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing, she now gets paid several ways on the same deal: she collects broker fees, rehabbing fees, and realtor fees on the projects she takes on, not to mention the profits she receives once the deal sells. She has earned as much as $105,000 on a single investment. 

Lowel Yoder's Results

Lowel has met the 4-deal challenge! 

Since training with us, he has made hundreds of thousands of dollars in real estate using the Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing. He remains an active and successful investor today.

Rebecca Lynn's Results

Rebecca met the 4-deal challenge! 

In the first year of her training with the Lee Arnold System, Rebecca earned roughly $15,000 on average for the homes she flipped. She flipped over 70 homes, earning herself more than $1 million annually. 

Dana and Terri Klaft's Results

In our interview, the Klafts expressed that they have flipped over 250 homes since 2010, which includes multi-unit properties. They also mentioned that the initial sizeable investment in having Lee as their one-on-one mentor has paid the Klafts back numerous times over with profits in the millions.

Bill Purifoy's Results

Since working with the Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing, Bill states that he has more than 22 properties (11 that were bought and held), and that his property portfolio is valued at $2.5 million dollars. 
Be Our Next Success Story and Learn the Exact Steps to the 4-Hour Rehab!
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EARNINGS DISCLAIMER. Earning and Income statements made by our company and its customers are supplied directly from the company or customer. Any and all claims or representations as to income earnings made on our web sites or in our materials or information are not to be considered as average earnings. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income — in fact, most people do not — and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual. Individual performance depends upon each customer's unique skills, time commitment and effort. Our programs are not designed or intended to qualify individuals for employment. Our programs are avocational in nature and are intended for the purpose of the personal enrichment, development, and enjoyment of individuals.